Thursday, May 30, 2013

Solo estamos tu y yo bailando asi!


I heard you were horrible to Mom and Dad and you keep jumping on them. You really need to stop that. The dog here Grace attempted to eat a dead bird yesterday. I can't imagine what you would do with a bird. You do know that Labs are hunting dogs right? Maybe I'll train you to catch frogs, I'm not a huge fan of them. 

It's crazy how time goes by isn't it? I've already almost had you for a year, and I've already been here for 2 weeks - pretty much halfway through. It's just too short of a time honestly. But I realize I have to come back and raise you right - I feel like it's part of my ministry. 

This week has been relaxing to say in the least. On Monday, we did our first English conversation class at the Oxford Institute for English. It was junior high kids and they were nervous at first about using their English, but as we've learned with our Spanish, you gotta try it out with native speakers to get better. We had an interesting conversation that started from covering the basics (where you're from, what you've learned) to what the Gospel is and what they believe about God and ended with musical tastes (which ironically, just like at home, the girls are obsessed with One Direction. They're coming to Lima this year! Woohoo! Not). We ended the hour with a birthday celebration, where I finally got to taste the delightful Inca Cola. Bubblegum pop at it's finest, but honestly I don't see what the craze is about. 

We also got to visit a local school here that my Perumie Claire worked at last year teaching English. We played some form of ring around the rosie (something about a wolf, but I didn't really get it) with the kindergartners and it was quite fun. It's cool how kids can be crazy, but honestly are way more accepting than adults and honestly don't care what you look like/act like, as long as you're up for playing with them. Not that I'm ready to take care of my own though Lucy - you're more than enough and I can barely handle that. But one day I suppose. We also got to go the chapel with the junior high kids and it was interesting - we didn't do that in public schools. I understood more of the Spanish sermon than I thought I would, so I guess I'm learning SOMETHING while I'm here. 

It was neat to see the boys who were leading to worship/prayer - apparently it was a complete 180 from where they were last year. I guess it goes to show that you never really know what people (especially kids) are absorbing about God externally, but you still are making some kind of impact when you share and love on them. And that can be super hard for me at times. Not everyone is super loving like you Lucy, but I guess that kind of shows the love of God though. He sent His Son to die for everyone's sins, with full knowledge that some people wouldn't accept. He keeps pursuing us even when we aren't seeking Him - a love I can't even understand/imagine. But that's what makes Him God right? And I'm thankful to be loved by Him and serve Him in everything. 

Wednesday night we went to Matarra, a beautiful mountain village area.  The kids are super loving and very sweet and walk for miles to make it to the ministry group. We helped play sports with the kids, watched them during Bible study and helped pass out food/soap at the end. All in all, it's a great way to show God's love through not only words, but action and I pray that these kids are able to understand and accept Jesus through the ministry. There were dogs there too - you would have probably made a ton of friends. But they didn't cause tons of problems and just hung out with the kids instead of running them over like you typically do. Your lungs might have exploded though - this whole running around in high altitude thing is something else Lucy. Hopefully I'll get some more red blood cells though and have so many they'll let me donate blood. Who knows. 

And today is the holiday of Corpus Christi. Not quite sure what it is, but hopefully we'll get to see some excitement downtown for it. And I'll actually take pictures for it so you can see, but we both know that I'm horrible at taking pictures about anything. I think the picture on this blog is the first one we've had together, and you're not even looking. Aye caramba. 

Love you dearly and be good. Please stop scratching Mom and Dad. You can still bother Melissa though if you'd like. Can't wait to see you! 



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