Monday, May 20, 2013

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!

My darling Lucy,

It's funny how easy places start to feel like home in a matter of days. As I've been reading the Hobbit, I've realized that I'm a lot like Bilbo. Most of me doesn't want to have an adventure and would simply like to stay in my little hobbit hole and sometimes I wish for it, but there's that part in that me desires adventure and I'm following it. But now I still think I identify with Gollum more - just the whole talking to myself thing. I should probably get that checked out. I wish you could read Lucy. We could go on so many adventures and I wouldn't have to work anymore because you'd made so much profit.

 I think I'm fit to your schedule now - I wake up at 7 every morning no questions asked. Ay caramba. This is my roomie Claire or as they call her - Cecilia:

We're a match made in heaven, kind of like you and I are Lucy. Except you're fully insane and she's only slightly so.

So where did I leave off? The weekend adventure? We made new friends at the local university (which is actually called UNC as well - University de Cajamarca Norte or something like that. WOOHOO). They were super nice and taught some local dance and we'll hopefully meet up with them tomorrow to do some Zumba. Fun times!

I'm super awkward, and we're both super tall. I'm  getting over the whole touching thing though. Slowly but surely. 

We then just hung out and had youth group night, it was pretty cool and we got to meet a lot of people (note: the guy next to me is our 3rd Perumie - he's Slovakian and he goes to Chapel Hill as well!)  We then ate at a local restaurant. Had a hamburger, but it wasn't the same. I gave it to their dog Grace, the one I told you about? Apparently, sometimes she snubs good food because she's use to street food. I know you would NEVER do that. You eat everything, regardless if we give it to you or not. She also runs away sometimes too, but she's probably more street smart than you are since she's technically from da hood.

The group at the Refugio! Do I look peruana? 

Sunday? Went to church and it was deep and spiritual, and I'm really enjoying the music in Spanish. Had more food out at a place called a Menu (sp?) where we got a ton of food for not so much. Our soup actually had different parts of a chicken - one guy found a chick foot and I got a kidney. Yum yum nephrons!

We then traveled to the grocery store, which is called Quinde and is pretty much like a SuperTarget. Facts of life: I hate grocery shopping here just as much as I hate it in the States. It's just the worst. We took the bus to get there, and it was quite an experience. But they're pretty cheap and I can't ever imagine driving around here - it's not as bad as India, but it's quite similar. Not that you've ever been to India, and not that we'll ever take you. You're kind of a prissy dog - you have a bed and everything and by the time I get home, you'll probably have taken over my room (has Mom cleaned out my room yet? She does that a lot when I'm done, and it's kind of nice.)

Today? We went into town to an English school and we're going to conversation partners with some of the students there. Hopefully we can strike up conversation and eventually share the Gospel with some of them. That's the plan anyway. The teachers there were Christian and just all around very nice.

Afterwards, we traveled with our friend to another university. They're kind of small here and they start it at age 16, so everyone was way younger than us. But most people typically have school for five years instead of four like we do. They were pretty nice, but for whatever reason, I was super particular about my Spanish. It's kind of awkward because everyone thinks I'm a clueless Peruvian so they think I understand, but I don't. Ay caramba. You'd probably not fit in around here either - you're dark just like me and I haven't seen many Labs.

Tonight we're celebrating the birthday of our friend Marielle who is awesome. She's helped us out so much, especially at the grocery store because she's a native speaker but also speaks English. She sounds kind of like Mom. I hope she's 22 - I'll have to share the song with her.

I asked people about Daddy Yankee around here - I guess it's not as super popular. Whoops. I wonder if they've heard of Beyonce. They must have - she's an international superstar.

Miss you terribly sunshine, especially on cloudy days like this .Please don't eat anything that's in my room.

Love ya mean it!

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