Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Whoa...we're halfway there....

OHHHH, living on a prayer! Take my hand, we'll make it I swear....

Dearest Lucy,

At 5:30 in the morning, I shall be Cajamarca bound. For now, I'm just chilling in the Lima Starbucks, where prices are in a nueva sols, or whatever the currency is here. Still learning the basics as we speak, simple things such as no flushing toilet paper. Ah the wonders of a new culture.

Flights weren't horrible - movies that I would never watch normally and tons of fun. to listen to on the way over.  Just one. More. Left. And then we'll be there! In Peru! Where there are mountains!

Destiny had my Perumie Claire and I meet at the Dallas airport. We shall get along swimmingly from what I've seen thus far. We figured out customs (first stamp in this new passport, what up) and then we shall venture on for a couple more hours in strange limbo between sleep and excitement. I think it's called the witching hour, and it's where things that are strange in the night come and do strange things (Dahl, BFG). We'll see if witness any of that type while we're here.

I suppose I shall integrate myself into the culture and use the minimal Spanish I have acquired during my 9 years of learning. Que bellismo.

Or something like that....

You'll probably be up scratching for your food by the time I get to CJA. Please take care of Mom and Dad, you know they probably haven't slept a wink since my departure. Enjoy the beautiful weather and please don't run away and get hit by car. I have nightmares about such things.

Love you dearly,


P.S Apparently, these are the dogs that the Peruvian are crazy about, according to airline magazine I was reading on the way over here. It's called the Peruvian hairless dog (this one obviously has hair). I'll stick to Labs for myself.

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