Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...

Forgive me Lucy? 

 I know it's been a while. Actually almost a whole week. Here's the week in a couple of quick short points. Ohhhh technology. I still miss you, even though we haven't talked. Dad says you've been good and that you guys going riding in Melissa's car because she's gone for the weekend. Shall I give you a rundown? En español? Ahhh not quite there yet, but I'm it's happening. 

- Killing a mouse in the house 
- Watching Jumanji 
- Getting to be on a Christian radio show  
It's LEGIT! 
- Experiencing the town's namesake - Los Baños de Inca! 

- Getting made fun of for saying awkward things in Spanish by our new friends 
- Getting off a broken bus and finding our way around 
- Figuring out this whole bus system thing (P13 ALL THE WAY!) 
- Having our clothes out to dry - during a rainy day 
- Modeling en el campesino (countryside) 

Here are some things that are constant - every single day: 
- Getting lost. Always. But finding our way and having an adventure in the end
- Getting stared at. ALWAYS. We average about 7 whistles per day, and not the kind that Dad calls you with. Ironically, they're called  cat calls. 
- Going to the Castope. It's like the Walgreens around here (you probably don't know what that is, we've never made it that far on a walk because you're crazy). We buy something random EVERY.DAY. Gotta get those soles. 

- Bonding with the PERUMIES! 
Matus, Claire y yo - somos los mejores amigos! Perumies for life! 

- Dancing. At all times. Everywhere. 

- Trusting God in all things - including talking to people about Jesus and sharing our faith. This whole starting a ministry project is kind of hard - it's meeting after meeting after meeting and praying and trusting. And loving and talking and building relationships. But it's good, because that means we can't do anything of our own accord and everything that happens is a God - thing (which is normally what it is, but it's even more magnified because we literally can't do ANYTHING to get the ball rolling on this life group thing. Or so it feels like at times). But God has definitely given me a lot of patience and humility. Hopefully it'll transfer over when I start training you Lucy. 

All in all Lucy, I love it here. I'll take some pictures of some houses for sale that we could possibly live in and move into. It's sad though how fast time moves and how soon I'll be back in NC(although I do get to be reunited with you). It's crazy how short of a time a month is to start a ministry and I'm kind of sad/scared that 4 weeks won't be enough to see "fruit". But in the end, that's not what it's about is it? It's about touching lives and sharing the Gospel, and if I only do that with one person, then all is well. 

Or so I have to remind myself. 

We should start a ministry when I get back Lucy. We can go to the park and hopefully people will come up to you and we can share the Gospel with them that way. Or we could go to the hospital and you could be a therapy dog, but you'd probably chew through everything and probably cause more people to go to the hospital. Anyway, it's something you should pray about. 

Hasta la vista, baby. 


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