Friday, May 17, 2013

Martha Martha Martha

Oh hello there Lucy dearest,

We finally made it to Cajamarca and it's absolutely beautiful here. There are tons of dogs around here and I'm sure you'd be friendly with them and get tons of rabies just because that's what you do. The town we're in is very cute and small - it's neat being able to walk anywhere to get to the grocery store and whatever else we want to do. I live on the third floor of the Heath house (the family we're staying with) and it's pretty grand. I shall upload the pictures once I get on my own laptop - I'm currently on this foreign object they call a "Mac."

It's randomly varying temperatures here, which you know that I love, but it's just absolutely gorgeous. You just look outside and there's just mountains. Everywhere. And the town is super cute as well.

Thus far? Our adventures include not having our luggage for a day (note to self: always pick up baggages from customs when you get to a country. Always) and then getting it a couple of hours ago. Yay for showers and underwear! Just the little things in life that keep it going. We got to attend a Thursday night church service last night and hang out with some other missionary families from around here. Today we visited a missionary place called Villa Milagro (it's a place that hosts church groups from the States for a week for their international mission trip) and got to see a baptism happen. It was pretty neat, but it was also interesting to find out that some people here did not want their children to be baptized. It was kind of hard to see the kids who wanted to follow God, but weren't able to because they had to honor their parents. But it was super cool that the kids did still show up and we all enjoyed some amazing tamales afterward. There were some dogs there too...even one with a muzzle thing on it so it wouldn't bark, just like we put on you! He did the same fight to death with it in the grass, just like you do when we put the Gentle Leader on you! Pobrecito, but he probably needed it just like you do.

We also took taxis. Everywhere. Here are tips that we learned about taxi here in CJA:

1. ALWAYS haggle. Always. Just walk away if they don't do what you want. My diva self was very good at this.
2. You might get to take the unpaved, scenic route.
3. Pay AFTER you've reached your destination and after you're OUT OF THE CAR.

Just in case you need to ever take a car Lucy, but probably not because you have 4 legs and life is just easier that way. Tomorrow we shall learn the ways of the bus. Wonderful.

Prayer? If you could, just pray that I become more like a Mary and less than the Type A, wound up, constantly paranoid Martha that I truly am. Remember when you first came to the house and you were terrified to get out of the car, step on the wood floor, go up the stairs etc? You were really cute back then. But then you got use to it and now you've scratched up the wood floors and basically run the house. I hope to do the same thing here, but instead be comfortable with my surroundings and be able to witness to others and not attempt to jump on them like a maniac like you always do. I truly do love you though Lucy, despite your flaws. I'm glad you love me too, even when I'm insane, which is most times.

In other news, I've killed a total of 2 huge spiders today. I wish you were here to eat them.  Speaking of eating, I made burnt sausage and egg here on a gas stove for breakfast this morning. Still following the tradition of being a whoops-a-daisy cook. But you gotta learn.

Remind me to put up a picture of Grace, the dog they have here. SHE ACTUALLY BARKS ON AT STRANGERS, like you're supposed to do. She's very cute and very well behaved. You could learn a thing or two.

Off to do PerZumba with the rooms. Some things never change.

Love you dearly,


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