Friday, June 7, 2013


I have no idea why I love this song. But I do and it's been stuck in my head constantly Lucy: 

I think I'm a year behind on it, but ya know. I don't even know what's he's saying. Oh well- Ai Se Eu Te Pego. 

Called yesterday and heard you were causing trouble at the house. Stealing Mom's blanket Lucy? While she's trying to relax? Come on! I don't know if you remember this at all, but I talked to you on the phone and you heard me apparently. I assume you'll be a hot mess when I get home, won't you? Grace had a house party the other day with a bunch of random street dogs. She also tried to eat a dead bird. Whatdya do. 

Anyway. Update since Sunday? Oh my. Well we got a new perumie that's living up here on the third floor with us. Her name is Hannah and she's super cool and I can't wait to get to know her this upcoming week. Which we don't talk about the fact that I only have a week left.
Photo: my perumies and their friends!
Hannah and I with the kids we hung out with in town! 

This week has mainly been a lot of walking around and asking people about their beliefs and sharing the Gospel with students on the two campuses, UNC and UPN. It's been an interesting conversation compared to when I did Soularium at UNC. Most people here grew up in a Catholic/Christian home and therefore know who Jesus Christ is, but still don't know that He promised us eternal life just by accepting us. The Gospel is such a simple message, but for whatever reason, we as humans have to make it so complicated: 

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast." Eph. 2:8-9

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 

Anyway Lucy. Time is slowly slipping by as we go along and slowly but surely, I'll be home in less than a week. I guess I miss the weather - it's raining miserably here and it's so cold (A LI LI as they say here). I can't wait to get some solar power again and wear shorts. But I honestly would trade that for another month here. Sadly I believe Mom and Dad would not allow it and would probably come down here themselves to take me home, a la Bollywood movie style. 

Recap of the week? Well yesterday we got to get into the UNC (yeah there's one here!) university down the street while there was a strike. It was probably one of the most peaceful strikes I've ever seen, but the students had locked up the school and were going to stay there until their corrupt principals/directors were going to build a new building for the students. How they were able to lock the gates and how the professors don't have the keys to the place I don't quite understand. Some really nice girls convinced the gatekeeper to let us in and actually wanted to talk to us! We had an interesting conversation comparing the States and Peru and of course, about their beliefs about God and Jesus. 

But I'll have to remember to take pictures of the universities before I head out (yes. I know. I stink with this  whole picture thing. I wish I could just download everything off my photographic memory.)

We also got to hold a conversation hour at the English Institute last night. It was fun getting to know the students, and the advanced learners had great English. They were all so friendly (as everyone usually is) and we chatted for about 2.5 hours about who knows what. They like Harry Potter, so it was pretty easy to get into the flow of things. Two of the girls invited us out tonight for ice cream downtown, so that should be quite interesting. Sadly, I won't be here next week for another class, but again, we don't talk about such things. 

That's been the week thus far. I've also got to hang out and play with a bunch of kids here in Banos and also at the school Claire taught at last year, Monte Sion. We're actually going there this weekend to celebrate the school's anniversary by playing some volley - they're OBSESSED with that  game here. Almost as much as futbol, but nothing can quite replace that now can it. 

Photo: games at Monte Sion!
Me with the kindergartners. We sang a song about playing in the woods while the wolf was there and  then they would randomly run around and tag me for whatever reason. I think I got the hang of it by the end Lucy.
Photo: I still don't understand the game they were teaching Marian.. something about a wolf in the forest I think??

Photo: Perumie is loved by the kindergarteners!
Asking that silly lobo what's he's doing! One thing's for sure, kindergartners are cute in every country.

Anyways, I shall update you further about the days to come which shall be filled with medical clinics, random sight seeing and also life group part 2! Ahh Life Group, how could I forget! The first one went pretty well (we had 8 people come in total. It's the little things!). It was very good and I think something different for everyone who came. Hopefully our numbers will grow next week and the Lord will change lives through the group. 

Prayer prayer prayer - that's really all I need Lucy. And some socks. 

Loveeee you Lucy-goose. 


P.S I tried cow heart (antichullo) for the first time. Delicioso! I shall update you on the all the foods I try within the next week - I figured it would best to get sick on the plane if anything else. 

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